CLUNET aims to share experiences and implement concrete pilot projects related to cluster innovation and development policies. It will be developed by uniting the 15 regions represented in CLUNET and the 64 top-level clusters currently supported by the partners in a single network. The project will focus on future challenges and opportunities for clusters.
With the additional participation of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, CLUNET will benefit from the Canadian experience in cluster policies and will provide a unique platform for internationalisation.
Pilot projects gather CLUNET partners around specific topics concerning cross-border collaboration on clusters policies. They bring the partners involved into close relationships to share experience, ideas, or good practices to improve their own policies. They are test-beds which outputs are intended to be further disseminated among clusters policy maker communities to support cluster growth and innovation. The topics are twofold:
* Horizontal (sectors like aerospace, biotech, environment, tourism…)
* Vertical (specific policy issues like incubation, internationalisation…)
The one led by Méditerranée Technologies is Video interviews of clusters and incubator managers: making of video presentation of clusters and incubator managers of CLUNET regions to be published on a dedicated website, and disseminated among policy makers communities.
more on > http://clunetvideos.media.officelive.com/introduction.aspx
CLUNET video interviews - Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia
May 8, 2009

CLUNET video interviews - High Technology Products Manufacturers' Cluster, Slove...
May 8, 2009

CLUNET video interviews - I-TECHMED, Slovenia
May 8, 2009