This video journal issue constitutes of video abstracts in form of video interviews with authors whose papers were accepted in the refereed proceedings of the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2014, held in Anissaras, Crete, Greece France, in May 2014. They are linked and connected to Springer's publication - The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8465, edited by Presutti, V., d'Amato, C., Gandon, F., d'Aquin, M., Staab, S., Tordai, A.
This work has been funded and produced under the auspices of the European Commission's research project PlanetData Network of Excellence, which aims at producing interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web in a useful way.

Lantzaki, C., Yannakis, T., Tzitzikas, Y., Analyti, A. Generating Synthetic RDF ...
Jul 22, 2014

Elbedweihy, K., Mazumdar, S., Wrigley, S., Ciravegna, F. NL-Graphs: A Hybrid App...
Jul 22, 2014

Kuhn, T., Dumontier, M., Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digit...
Jul 22, 2014