Data science and the curse of phase transitions
Published on Nov 28, 20162347 Views
Extracting information, and more generally extracting knowledge from large datasets is arguably one of the main frontiers of modern science, common to a broad variety of disciplines. Bayesian approach
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Chapter list
Data science and the curse of phase transitions00:00
Information Theory00:19
More is different01:32
Emergence = collective behavior - 104:22
Emergence = collective behavior - 205:15
Phase transition with many states: spin glases - 105:27
Phase transition with many states: spin glases - 207:52
Phase transition with many states: spin glases - 308:13
Phase transition with many states: spin glases - 408:29
The spin glass cornucopia09:15
Why? - 110:06
Why? - 210:40
Phase Transitions in Information Theory10:48
Information transfer - 111:18
Information transfer - 211:50
Error correction12:15
Shannon's phase transition - 115:03
Shannon's phase transition - 216:57
Shannon's phase transition - 317:36
Shannon's phase transition - 418:44
Efficient codes21:34
Error decoding: inference problem - 122:36
Error decoding: inference problem - 225:11
More Phase Transitions in Error correcting codes25:58
Phase Transitions in Information theory27:23
Compressed sensing27:31
Compressed sensing motivation29:27
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 130:26
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 230:44
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 332:15
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 433:01
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 533:14
An example: tomography of binary mixtures - 633:52
Compressed sensing as an optimization problem35:01
phase diagram - phase transitions35:34
Alternative approach36:25
Bayesian approach36:50
Analysis of random instances - 137:22
Analysis of random instances - 237:25
Seeding the crystal37:49
Nucleation and seeding - 137:51
Nucleation and seeding - 238:13
Nucleation and seeding - 338:24
Nucleation and seeding - 438:34