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Text Mining and Link Analysis for Web and Semantic Web

Published on Feb 4, 202526501 Views

The tutorial on Text Mining and Link Analysis for Web Data will focus on two main analytical approaches when analyzing web data: text mining and link analysis for the purpose of analyzing web document

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Tutorial on Text Mining and Link Analysis for Web and Semantic Web00:03
Why Do We Analyze Text?02:11
What Is Text-Mining?03:09
Why Dealing with Text Is Tough? 03:47
Why Dealing with Text Is Easy?04:58
Who Is in the Text Analysis Arena?05:52
What Dimensions Are in Text Analytics?07:40
How Dimensions Fit to Research Areas?09:08
Broader Context: Web Science09:55
Text-Mining - How Do We Represent Text?10:50
Levels of Text Representations pt 110:57
Levels of Text Representations pt 212:39
Character Level12:43
Good and Bad Sides13:21
Levels of Text Representations pt 314:58
Word Level15:04
Words Properties15:46
Word Character Level Normalization18:25
Stemming (1/2)19:08
Stemming (2/2)19:44
Levels of Text Representations pt 421:03
Phrase Level21:13
Google N-Gram Corpus22:17
Example: Google N-Grams23:03
Levels of Text Representations pt 523:20
Part-of-Speech Level23:39
Part-of-Speech Table24:44
Part-of-Speech Examples25:20
Levels of Text Representations pt 625:52
Taxonomies/Thesaurus Level26:01
WordNet – Database of Lexical Relations26:49
WordNet – Excerpt from the Graph27:28
WordNet Relations28:03
WordNet – Excerpt from the Graph (a)28:07
WordNet Relations (a)28:16
Levels of Text Representations pt 729:05
Vector-Space Model Level29:15
Bag-of-Words Document Representation30:28
Word Weighting31:00
Example Document and Its Vector Representation32:19
Similarity between Document Vectors32:43
Levels of Text Representations pt 833:53
Language Model Level34:01
Levels of Text Representations pt 935:07
Full-Parsing Level35:11
Levels of Text Representations pt 1036:12
Cross-Modality Level36:25
Example: Aligning Text with Audio, Images and Video37:23
Levels of Text Representations pt 1138:43
Collaborative Tagging38:58
Example: Tagging39:56
Example: Tagging40:23
Example: Tagging (a)40:27
Example: Tagging (a)40:29
Levels of Text Representations pt 1241:18
Template / Frames Level41:23
Examples of Templates of KnowItAll System41:36
Levels of Text Representations pt 1342:55
Ontologies Level43:02
Example: Text Represented in the First Order Logic43:23
Text-Mining - Typical Tasks on Text44:28
Document Summarization pt 144:51
Document Summarization pt 244:52
Selection Based Summarization45:55
Example of Selection Based Approach from MS Word47:33
Knowledge Rich Summarization48:04
Knowledge Rich Summarization Example48:32
Training of Summarization Model50:10
Example of Summarization50:39
Automatically Generated Graph of Summary Triples50:45
Text Segmentation pt 153:18
Text Segmentation pt 253:20
Hearst Algorithm for Text Segmentation53:21
Supervised Learning53:23
Document Categorization Task53:48
Document Categorization54:45
Algorithms for Learning Document Classifiers55:24
Example Learning Algorithm: Perceptron56:01