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Upon assessing the software quality of open source multimedia tools.

Published on Feb 4, 2025342 Views

Consider that you need a data visualization API that allows you to project findings on a huge social graph. Or that you need a library that performs basic image and video processing tasks, so that you

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Upon assessing the software quality of open source multimedia tools 00:00
The multimedia world as we stand 02:41
Types of multimedia software in terms of scope 02:53
Proprietary vs Open Source 04:26
Popular open source multimedia suites 06:36
OS Multimedia suites: popularity and uptake07:31
OS Multimedia suites: support & developer community 09:06
Popular OS Multimedia suites: coding languages 10:26
Popular open source multimedia tools 11:46
The growing popularity of OS Multimedia tools 14:20
How popularity usually grows: a typical case 15:31
How popularity usually grows: a market-driven case 16:45
OS Multimedia tools: community uptake18:02
OS Multimedia tools: developer support 18:46
OS Multimedia tools: support & developer community 19:24
Popular OS Multimedia tools: project size 20:46
Upon developing OS multimedia tools: why is this information important?21:48
The merits of applying software analytics 22:52
The software engineering domain 23:00
The modern software engineering lifecycle 24:29
Software engineernig phases and data 25:38
The three L's and what they represent 26:27
The ECE Softeng group - vision 27:47
The ECE Softeng group - the team 28:04
Our way of enhancing the modern SE lifecycle 28:32
Our way of enhancing the modern SE lifecycle - 229:10
A data-driven methodology for performing software analytics 29:26
A data-driven methodology for performing software analytics - 229:58
Software analytics related to software quality characteristics 30:37
Software quality characteristics decomposed to sofware project metrics 31:01
Now, back to the multimedia world 31:27
These questions are related to various L1-L3 parameters 32:02
Easy to get operation-wise information 32:16
Easy to get operation-wise information - 233:05
More informed operation-wise decisions based on benchmark data 34:09
Development-wise decisions based on benchmark data 35:08
Development-wise decisions on maintainability and readability 36:10
Development-wise decisions at code quality level 37:15
Development-wise decisions and reusability 38:12
Bonus questions 39:04
Facts about developing software tools-not prototypes 39:54
Lifecycle analysis: the Libgdx Project example 41:09
Lifecycle analysis: how does code evolve 41:58
Lifecycle analysis: how to monitor maintanability 42:38
Instead of an epilogue 43:29
Can OS multimedia software antagonize commercial solutions?43:43
REST API for the OS Multimedia tools dataset 45:14
Thank you-Questions 45:48