Cavitation bubbles – the good, the bad and the beautiful
Published on Jun 04, 20181314 Views
A sudden decrease in pressure triggers the formation of vapor and gas bubbles inside a liquid medium (also called cavitation). This leads to many (key) engineering problems: damage of the nearby surfa
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Chapter list
Cavitation bubbles00:00
Boiling and cavitation01:45
Why does it occur?03:20
By experiment04:26
The beautiful06:21
The bad08:00
The good08:34
A single bubble09:21
Hydrodynamic cavitation - 111:08
Hydrodynamic cavitation - 212:15
Erosion - understanding in 200416:26
Predicting erosion - 119:01
Predicting erosion - 220:13
Predicting erosion - 322:25
A new boost in understanding - 123:58
A new boost in understanding - 224:56
A new boost in understanding - 325:33
And in 2018 it gets even worse26:36
Erosion from a single bubble - 127:39
Erosion from a single bubble - 228:05
Erosion from a single bubble - 328:47
Erosion from a single bubble - 429:02
Erosion from a single bubble - 529:40
But there is hope - 130:29
But there is hope - 231:00
But there is hope - 331:22
But there is hope - 431:41
Why bother?32:14
Our motivation33:31
It can get very wrong very fast35:30
Playing with real toys36:13
State of the art in 201136:41
State of the art in 201737:52
The good side of cavitation38:12
Water treatment39:31
State of the art 2012 - 201639:40
Milestone 140:10
Milestone 240:35
Key moment41:04
Scienctific impact & future perspective41:50